Eve’s Star Trek/Christmas Boudoir Session!

It was her first boudoir session. It was going to be as unique as she was, as her special request was going to be, if she could find the studio who could do it.

She researched photogaphers. She personally visited each studio. We were her most recomended studio. When she came to us, she knew it was the studio for her.

She had a concept no one else quite seemed to know what to do with it. Her vision was to blend her Star Trek passion with her partner’s Christmas passion with a Boudoir vibe. 

She had a deep love all things Star Trek, going way back. It was a passion. She had collectibles, actual props from the various TV and movie sets. She was on a first name basis with most of the primary actors, writers and studio heads. She is asked to review movies and shows. All the big names have been guests on her podcast. 

But. . . 

Not so her partner. She explained, “He loves Christmas, every aspect of it. He fully embraces the season. Star Trek—my love and passion—he doesn’t quite grasp. Just as I don’t entirely follow his Christmas lead.

She told stories of how much he loved Christmas, how he approached Christmas, just revelling in it. 

She then explained what she was after. After visiting all the other studios, she knew we would be able to deliver. 

Her vision was to have a book with her in a Christmas setting, with something Star Trek. Then to have a few images with a Christmas twist in the Star Trek images. Of course, to also have a lot of breathtaking boudoir images. 

For the Star Trek part, she came prepared. She brought her Bat’leth, the Klingon Worf’s set prop. Eve had selected one of her communicators and phasers. Her collection included every communicator version from all the shows. 

She brought Federation of Planets Section 31 flag. Section 31 is the covert intelligence branch in Star Trek. This was her favourite niche from Star Trek lore. We talked about the upcoming “Section 31” movie, which is coming out in January 2025. We got creative with photographing her flag. 

Of course, her Trek shirt was the gold command shirt. 

Where did she get all these prized Star Trek props? Well, Eve is not just a fan, she is a Trek Influencer. At the studio’s request she reviews their moves and shows, hosts their actors on her Podcast. Her collection all things Trek is impressive. I was thrilled to be working with some of them.

For the Christmas set, she did not have much. But we did. We have done Santa sessions, so we had lots of wrapped boxes, décor and Santa hats. She was a bit lost at first, not quite her thing. I thought it was cool for her to do this for her partner. Her going this distance would mean a lot to him.

For the boudoir part of the session, she wanted fun mixed with sexy. Our white satin bed was the perfect set for her, especially with her bright red hair. 

We still pulled in some Trek props.

It was a unique boudoir blend of images. She was thrilled with her book of images that expressed both her passion and her partner’s. 

He will have a hard time matching the heart behind this gift.

Do you have a shared passion in your story? Let us explore it with you.

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