Tag: glamour

  • Perception of Beauty

    Perception of Beauty

    Describing beauty is a slippery slope, not a singular or universal ideal.  It is markedly different from nation to nation and even over our history.  The phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”, penned in Margaret Wolfe Hungerford’s 1878 novel, best embraces this diversity.  The ancient Greeks described it as the harmony between…

  • Carol A Woman Transformed

    Carol A Woman Transformed

    Her eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement as I handed her the book. This collection of images from a transformative nude boudoir session had reset her life, reshaping how she saw herself and interacted with the world. It was, to put it simply, life-altering. Carol often reminisced about the day she became “Carol, the fearless…

  • Boudoir is for Everyone!

    Boudoir is for Everyone!

    It’s empowering! It doesn’t matter who you are or why you want to do it. Even men can book a  session! We’ve all carried different stories. In the midst of life’s chaos, it’s perfectly fine to acknowledge your worth. Being confident is beautiful and sometimes, we need to reassure ourselves we still got-it-going-on. It’s fun!…

  • This May Sound Odd, But here is what I want. . .

    This May Sound Odd, But here is what I want. . .

    This May Sound Odd, But Here Is What I Want. . . You might be surprised how often we hear that phrase. We have become known for creating unique solutions, so the question comes up quite often.  One mother explained that her child was at the perfect age, She was just adorable and so sweet.…

  • What Expectant Moms Are Doing With Their Tummies.

    What Expectant Moms Are Doing With Their Tummies.

    What Expectant Moms Are Doing With Their Tummies “I am sorry I never got professional photographs of my pregnancy.” That is one of the biggest regrets my clients mention upon seeing our expectant mom display prints. While they are coming in for their personal nude or boudoir session they do reflect on what could have…

  • When Being Nude Isn’t Being Exposed.

    When Being Nude Isn’t Being Exposed.

    When Being Nude Isn’t Being Exposed. “ I was photographed nude yesterday.” Is a conversation stopper, my clients have had fun with. They slide the comment in innocently during a pause in a conversation with friends. It always has the same effect. Each person at the table imagines what being nude is to them, usually…

  • Our Client’s Journey

    Our Client’s Journey

    She nervously asked, “What can I expect?” A pretty good question that nearly everyone asks. I have been refining the experience she will have for over 40 years. It is transformative and exciting. Everyone is surprised how quickly the nerves fade away! When you first reached out to us something in our conversation connected, gave…

  • Is Body Painted Woman Still Nude?

    Is Body Painted Woman Still Nude?

    Is A Painted Lady Nude? Body painting is having a very sheer second skin covering your nude body. When the art is finished the whole body could be covered or bits of skin might still peek through. When you look into the mirror you can see the transformation. So are you nude anymore? The most…

  • The Canadian Photographer Of The Year Is Me!

    The Canadian Photographer Of The Year Is Me!

    The Canadian Photographer of the Year Is Me! This is so exciting for so many reasons; many of those reasons are not even mine. My clients, the women and child in the images, are thrilled! It was an unexpected victory for them too. Barb, my client who commissioned the images of her granddaughter, loves the…

  • Nudes at a Charity Auction

    Nudes at a Charity Auction

    Seems pretty bold, doesn’t it?   Even for a charity event called Fashion Forward.But they are bold. This year they invited us to bring one of our Body Painters to body paint an expectant mother as we auction off Photography and Body Painting Sessions. Our participation in the silent auction is not very silent. It…