Rise, Reveal, Radiate – An Epic Boudoir Adventure!

I found Mark struggling. 

Hi, I am Suzie.

He was taking the conventional approach to explaining the experience that his boudoir and nude photography gave women. 

He was approaching it wrong. I said there is nothing conventional about the nudes and boudoir photos you create. 

So I offered my perspective, a woman who has been through it. 

Now, I am a writer. My stories are epic fantasy adventures for women in long-ago times in fantastic places. The “Hero’s Journey is the story arc I craft my stories with.

You’ve seen it played out in the Star Wars movies, Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games. This arc happens in real life, too.

I am still excited about my adventure with Inner Spirit. I would love to tell you about it.

First, You are probably not a writer and have never heard of the Hero’s Journey. It was what you will experience in an Inner Spirit Boudoir session.

I’ll condense it into 6 steps before I give you the story:

1)  It starts our heroine in the regular world

2)  She gets a call to adventure

3)  Meets her Guide or Mentor (Spoiler, that’s Mark)

4)  She goes through ordeals & trials

5)  She grasps the reward

6)  She journeys back home wiser and richer.

You will be our heroine getting your call to adventure . . .

Your story starts like this . . .

In the moment before it starts, you’ve had struggles; you are feeling a bit tattered. Or, you’ve had a victory and want to celebrate. 

You’re unaware, but your “call to adventure” is coming. Literally, thousands of women have heard the siren call; you are not the first.

Like them, you hear a whisper rising in your mind, seeking more, seeking something bold, something extraordinary, an adventure! Today, you feel the urge to act on it. 

You remember a friend’s suggestion; perhaps seeing a post with a photo in your feed or an auction item at an event catches your eye. Your adventure reveals a choice. It’s bold. It’s a boudoir session, perhaps even a nude session. The name Inner Spirit Photography resonates with you. 

It sure did for me!

You mention the idea, in passing, to others. Some support it, but many may be detractors. You feel some fear rising up. . .  self-doubt nips at you. But, it’s deliciously exciting, a unique self-expression. 

Online, you check out Inner Spirit Photography. The galleries of women seem to be looking right at you, urging you forward, telling you to trust your instincts. In their photos, you see the confidence and even a deeper self-love you seek. 

Like me, you reach out. The first step on the journey you desire.

When you sit with Mark Laurie, you know you’ve found your mythical guide. He will be your mentor in the guise of a photographer. He has walked countless heroines through this same rite of passage. You feel comforted by the wave of confidence and experience radiating from him.

You start planning; all quests have a plan, a concept filled with possibilities. With Mark, you explore outfit ideas (perhaps nothing), poses you like and exciting sets. You share what body parts you love and which you hope to hide.

It dawns on you that your most empowering garment may be your skin. The ease of that thought surprises you. You are sharing who you are by your choices, passions and desires. As you talk, you sense this is going to work. 

There are days between that confident rush of planning and your session. The closer you get, the more apprehensions start to override the whispers of desiring this. But every Hero’s Journey has these small obstacles before the moment of triumph. You sense this and push forward as all true Heroines do. 

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I know I was a wreck! But I trusted Mark.

Your session day sees you walking over a threshold into a hidden fantasy realm. 

Mark greets you warmly. And it is warm. The heated floor is a welcome surprise. Music weaves in the air. You look around, getting your bearings. The studio is overflowing with props, sets and camera gear. You feel the creativity lurking in all those possibilities. 

His makeup artist asks your preferences. She seats you facing a mirror. You enjoy her devoted attention. She assures you the makeup will be light and natural. You choose extended eyelashes. You feel good!

As the artist packs up, you take a moment to admire your “look” in the mirror. You look amazing. She’s applied confidence armour. You are ready. 

You take a deep breath, drop your robe and stride into your first set. A small wedge of panic starts to expand. Was this a good idea? You have rarely looked good in photos with clothes on! Oh my, what are you doing? 

At first, vulnerability can feel overwhelming. You feel yourself giving in to lingering self-doubts and insecurities, all loom large when you’re in the spotlight. 

This is the critical ordeal in our Heroine’s Journey, your journey. This is the moment the heroine, you, realizes her fears don’t define her. This realization was so powerful for me.

Simply breathe deep. (I took several deep breaths, let me assure you!) Trust his process, as thousands of women have before you. Focus on Mark’s genuine support, guidance, and humour. When he turns the camera around, you see your first incredible image! You understand that you are here to shine!

Over the next few hours, you see images of yourself again and again, each one better than the last. You might be seeing your true beauty for the first time. I can’t convey the many emotions I felt that day. 

In this guarded, safe space, a remarkable transformation occurs. You recognize an inner radiance, a sense of empowerment that grows with every click of Mark’s shutter.  These poses aren’t by the numbers; they‘re personal expressions. 

They are not just alluring images; they represent reclaiming and expanding your narrative. They tell the story of who you are –unapologetic, vivacious, and strong. It’s a revelation that wraps you in warmth and pride. 

You leave excited and thrilled, looking forward to seeing them all again. The few days seem like forever, and apprehensions and old doubts drift to the surface again. Will the images be as good as they felt during the session, or will they look jarring and crushing? 

Sitting in the dark, you view your large, projected images—they are breathtaking. Your confidence nearly steps off the screen. You find more images that you love than expected. You decide on a book with one wall print, a gift to yourself.

It is hard to wait for them to be ready. They are your trophies—stunning, breathtaking images that show your beauty, strength, and power. 

You may look the same on the outside, but inside, everything has shifted. You are the returning Heroine. You’ve crossed the frontiers of self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-celebration. 

That is the story of every heroine who comes to Mark to find their way. The whispers in their heads lead them to the guide they need. 

This was my experience, too. I tell every woman who asks me about my experience that they need to do this. Every woman deserves an Inner Spirit Photography experience. 

It is a Heroine’s Journey that transcends the images created. You are back in the real world, changed. What will you do with your new power? 

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