Would you jump at the chance to pose nude for an audience? Here is the story of a young woman who leapt at the chance.
Here is her story about being a nude art object for a live audience.

“Sleeping naked is natural and healthy for the body. Posing nude for a camera is liberating; seeing the beautiful art piece after is astonishing. Then there’s posing nude for an audience, which is oddly comforting. Being in front of strangers making eye contact, I know they are looking at me baring it all.

The experience gave me a different sense of feeling than any other environment. I just knew that these people were not judging my body or my being naked. They were learning about an art form, looking at the details of the behind-the-scenes work.
It was comforting to realize that my body in itself is a work of art; as different as it is, it’s the same as any other woman’s.
We focused on the placement of the body, angles, and lighting. Teaching and sharing my ability to create art made me happy and felt freeing.
To top it off, the images turned out phenomenally!

As I was live modelling, I had the pleasure of working with Mark Laurie. He guided me through posing techniques to help me achieve the best body definition for the images.
It was amazing to see the difference in the outcome of the photo upon receiving his guidance.
Seeing before and afters of slight changes in arm or foot placement, hiding unwanted areas or enhancing others, and receiving direction created such a difference in the whole experience for me. He helped me to feel so much more relaxed and confident.

I know the posing techniques helped me. Hopefully, those who attended will utilize them.
Watching Mark work, either as a workshop model, a student attending or just a woman being photographed by him, will be, I am sure, as amazing for you as these were for me.
There is always a first time for everything” – Karisa Wolff.

Karisa is a curious woman who defines her own path. She is a young model comfortable with her body. Her glamour and nude posing had previously been one-to-one with a photographer.

Karisa was my model for several live presentations demonstrating and teaching nude photography at different trade shows.

Karisa was nervous and hesitant but very curious about the idea. It was a big, scary step in her modelling career, one she had not thought about doing.

As we talked about the opportunity, she decided to go for it. She felt safe and comfortable with me, feeling I would look after her. She loved the idea and what it would do for her career.

Our first presentation was at the Lifestyle of Pleasure Expo. I was a speaker on nude posing for amateur photographers and gave several presentations over the weekend.

First off, these are not all glamorous settings, but the people attending were all warm and grateful for a model to learn from.
She got comfortable quickly, all the audiences were respectful and welcoming.

Images from this presentation went on to win awards in the Professional Photographers of Canada Image competitions.
The next two were KINK events. It was the most gracious and polite group I have ever presented to.

To our delight, they gave us a pool table and area to pose Karisa on. By now, she was comfortable moving nude around a respectful crowd. Like our first presentation, our audience was mostly women. Karisa was fully relaxed and in her environment now. She moved into poses fluidly; my posing guidance had become almost shorthand.

Between presentation breaks we roamed the place, finding a huge wing mural at the lower level.

The third event was an invitation to do demonstrations. It ran on a warm Saturday. They gave us a space that was a tight fit but worked. By now, it was just fun. One of the display booths had made medieval weapons, who loaned us their weapons.

Some attendees came in costumes that Karisa posed with. Both the other booth salespeople and the crowd attending were supportive and respectful. She was amazed at how natural and safe she felt doing her modelling.

It is, as Karisa expressed to me, life-changing. “As a model in this choice, I have an incredible sense of personal power, confidence, and body embracing.”

Articles written by first-time nude art models, both male and female, have taught me that these are all common experiences. In nude art modelling, age and shape are not criteria for a drawing or painting class or for photographers.
For Karisa, it was a thrilling first experience that elevated her value, both personally and in her trade. She is no longer shackled to any projected limitations now.